
May not be suitable in all circumstances. Fees apply. Your credit rating may be affected.

moneyhelper blackFree debt counselling, debt adjusting and providing of credit information services is available to customers by contacting MoneyHelper.

Review options for getting debt help

100% Confidential, No Obligation.

  • How much debt do you have?

  • What debts can I include?
    Almost all unsecured debts such as: Unsecured Bank Loans, Payday, Loans, Credit Cards, Council Tax Arrears, Store Cards, Catalogues, Overdrafts. Credit Unions, Previous Mortgage, Previous Car HP, HMRC Bills (self employed)

Scottish Debt Help Calculator

Our Scottish Debt Help calculator is easy to use and will give you an initial indication of any debt solutions you may be eligible to apply for in Scotland. However, to make an informed decision on the best solution for you based on your lifestyle, needs and affordability – we would always suggest speaking to an experienced debt adviser.

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